Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Reasons YOU might be single this Valentine's Day

As Valentine's Day approaches, those of us that are without that special someone in our life begin to roll our eyes at all the heart and flowers and champagne bs. BUT....it has come to my attention that some may not realize nor understand the reason they are still single....and it has nothing to do with them being picky. Alison's Closet Blog talks about fashion...so we are going to discuss the fashion of photos that some poor souls have displayed on dating websites to more fully understand why they are still single and maybe what we do NOT want to copy.

Example 1. If you are on a dating website and EVERY photo you have has you surrounded by women....you don't look cool....You look like a douche....especially when you pair those photos with Ed Hardy shirts, yea...we know it's Ed Hardy even from behind the tree you are trying to disguise it with

Example 2. If EVERY photo you put on your profile involves you drinking something..... You don't look like you like to have a good time...You look like a complete drunk.... and if I wanted to see that I would just look at my friend's facebook pages.

Example 3. If your profile reads..."Just Once"....Maybe you need to just go ahead and give up

Example 4.Finally.... IF your goatee look more like something some girl should've had waxed off YEARS ago....you probably shouldn't put a photo up of it....It look like gross porn

I would like to thank pof for providing the example photos, and will shortly be following up with the girl's reason's you might be single......


  1. I was laughing so hard as I wrote this blog....because the worst...or maybe best part about it is these came from legit profiles!!!!


  2. lol i have been looking for a plant store that sells shirts like that quite the fashionista
