Thursday, January 13, 2011

Signature Style....

Personally....I (Alison) choose a different personal style from day to day or month to month.....For example, when I wake up in the morning I go have my coffee and watch the news and meditate. I try to find my inspiration for that might be a flower, a phrase, the flavor of my coffee creamer, the way my daughter made me laugh, but I will harness that and design my personal style for that day based on that inspiration. Now I am someone that likes to change it up....BUT I do have signtures on all these crazy looks I put together....Like it's usually some form of sexy housewife....I always wear my sterling silver A necklace, I ALWAYS wear heels.....and I always wear some black liquid eyeliner....don't leave home without it! the following are some are examples...HOLLA!

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