Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Some Golden Globe "Huh??" moments.....


Scarlett's strange hair style at the Golden Globes on Sunday evening, made me immediately think of Bride of Frankenstein. Her do seemed to be frozen in time, and not in a classic, timeless sense... like literally frozen, defying gravity, not moving. Odd.

and then there's.......

If 1980's pop icon, Cyndi Lauper.....

and front man for The Cure, Robert Smith, had a baby.....

that baby would be Helena Bohnam Carter at the Golden Globe Awards . Check out her mismatched shoes. I'm a big HBC fan and applaud her zany style choices. I'd expect nothing less from the woman that fell in love with the extremely creative and unconventional film director, Tim Burton. Do I see some Edward Scissorhands inspiration in that hairstyle as well????

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